Friday July 26, 2024 from 19:30 p.m. to 23 p.m., the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games will be held. This event will take place on the Seine between the Pont d'Austerlitz and the Pont d'Iéna.
Countdown to the Opening Ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics
With less than a week to go, the 2024 Paris Olympics are about to begin.
As the world's renowned city of romance, Paris is creatively using purple as the primary color for the athletics track for the first time in Olympic history.

Typically, athletic tracks are red or blue. However, this time the Olympic Committee has decided to break with tradition. According to officials, the purple track is intended to create a striking contrast with the spectator seating area, capturing the attention of both the on-site and television audiences. Additionally, "the purple track is reminiscent of the lavender fields of Provence."
According to reports, the Italian company Mondo has supplied the Paris Olympics with a new type of track covering a total area of 21,000 square meters, featuring two shades of purple. The lavender-like light purple is used for the competition areas, such as running, jumping, and throwing events, while the dark purple is used for the technical areas outside the track. The track lines and the edges of the track are filled with gray.
NWT Sports New Purple Rubber Running Track Product

Alain Blondel, the head of athletics for the Paris Olympics and a retired French decathlete, said, "The two shades of purple provide maximum contrast for television broadcasts, highlighting the athletes."
Mondo, a world-leading track manufacturer, has been producing tracks for the Olympics since the 1976 Montreal Games. According to Maurizio Stroppiana, the company's Deputy Director of the Sports Division, the new track features a different lower layer design compared to the one used in the Tokyo Olympics, helping to "reduce energy loss for athletes."

According to the British website "Inside the Games," Mondo's research and development department examined dozens of samples before finalizing the "suitable color." Additionally, the new track comprises synthetic rubber, natural rubber, mineral components, pigments, and additives, with approximately 50% of the materials being recycled or renewable. In comparison, the eco-friendly material proportion in the track used for the 2012 London Olympics was about 30%.

The 2024 Paris Olympics will open on July 26 this year. The athletics events will take place at the Stade de France from August 1 to 11. During this time, the world's top athletes will compete on the romantic purple track.

NWT Sports Prefabricated Rubber Running Track Details

Wear-resistant layer
Thickness: 4mm ±1mm

Honeycomb airbag structure
Approximately 8400 perforations per square meter

Elastic base layer
Thickness: 9mm ±1mm
NWT Sports Prefabricated Rubber Running Track Installation

Post time: Jul-16-2024